The Absolutely True Journal of a Troll Mage

The RP journey of Kaetze of Silver Hand in her travels through Azeroth, Northrend and the Outlands.

My Photo
Location: North of Philly, PA, United States

I like computers, but love the arts more. Painting, drawing, & photography are my passions. We rock the geeky side of things with a firm footing in sci-fi, fantasy, video games, anime, comic books and board games in this household. I have a rescuekitty, one rescuehound, a husband and an external child with an internal one currently forming. I'm happy. I'm attempting Buddhism/vegetarianism and dig the concept even as I'm flailing at it. Trying to start a homestead, make DIY a daily process, and create a small business from my art. Welcome to my Middle Path!

Friday, April 24, 2009

(date illegible)

I found Dalaran.